"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value" –Albert Einstein.
With over 20 years or risk management experience across the banking industry, some of my achievements include:
Designed and conducted road show presentations in Sydney and Melbourne to around 600 executives and countless facilitations across a bank in Australia and New Zealand to improve the quality of the Group’s internal controls and launch a new risk framework (CBA)
Developing and enhancing Risk and Compliance Frameworks
Assisted two banks in developing and improving their risk frameworks for accreditation / re-accreditation with the regulator. This work formed major projects that involved presentations to the regulator to gain acceptance.
Risk / Audit functions
Have worked with a banks global team to perform risk assurance activities across its global operations. I have led a risk team a global bank and an audit team with an insurer to improve the team engagement and value contributed.
Litigation Case Management
Managed headline legal cases involving a bank’s reputation from dispute stage through to mediation and hearings, involving the substantial recovery of funds
I have worked on various projects with some of Australia’s major banks and an insurer:
Straight Through Processing
Initiated 4 projects to deliver straight through processing and rationalise complex business rules, to increase automation, reducing headcount and deliver cost savings (~ $9m over 3 years) (GMA)
Delivery of process and system changes to support queue management and quicker responses to customers, resulting in >20% saving in processing time for credit staff and reduced time (GMA)
Redesign of a new mortgages securitisation system including vendor negotiations, process re-engineering, streamlining and accompanying change management plans (WBC)
Risk Framework
Delivered a program of operational excellence from concept and strategy through to implementation with responsibility for leading 10 other project managers to deliver key risk indicators across a major bank. Responsibilities included the development of the approach, methodology and organisational change requirements to meet the regulator’s requirements for accreditation. (CBA)
I have managed various teams of 80+ employees across Aus and NZ to deliver organisational goals:
Eliminating Waste
Reduced rework for a team of over 80 staff by introducing key metrics on first time pass rates, delivering training, reporting and working with customers and removing manual workarounds. First time decisions improved from 55% to over 80% (above the target of 75%) (GMA)
Growing a business and simultaneously delivering improvements
Managed a function of 44 staff that contributed to the sound profitable growth and delivered business improvements initiatives. Included responsibility for all aspects of risk and compliance framework including audit, credit and regulatory. (ANZ)
I have worked across the banking and insurance industry to deliver demonstrable and sustainable change. These include:
Virtual Teams
Transformed the business operating model by creating a virtual workforce, reducing costly office space and increasing the productivity of teams (~$10m in future cost savings over 3 years) (GMA)
Trusted Advisor
Transformed a customer facing audit team by instilling a consulting model approach using a Trusted Advisor program to enhance the customer service skills of all staff. Supporting changes included the launch of a new audit platform, policy and processes (GMA)
Improved Board Reporting
Enhanced reporting to the bank board and 8 executive committees across the bank to improve transparency, data accuracy, currency and ownership and to address issues identified by the regulator (WBC)
I have worked with several banks and an insurer to deliver demonstrable and sustainable change. These include:
Industry benchmarking
Gaining support from several banks to benchmark key metrics at an industry level via the Risk Management Association of Australia, that would identify key industry trends and comparative performance. This would allow banks to compare their performance and assess the strength of their control environment.
Decision Making Maturity Model
Development of a decision making (maturity) model to demonstrate to meet the regulator’s accreditation requirements, that was successfully piloted in Retail Business Banking. Endorsement of the strategy and approach to bank wide implementation of the maturity model by the senior leadership team (WBC)
Straight Through Processing
Gained board approval for the digital transformation strategy to support straight through processing and to automate processes and improve systems functionality, thereby reducing response times to lenders from ~9 hours to seconds (GMA)
Diploma of Financial (risk) Management
Developed a program of education to embed a framework and gain regulator support. This included delivering training to a bank’s top 600 executive staff and working with a team of instructional designers and change managers to develop an industry first diploma that was acknowledged by the bank’s CEO (CBA).
Delegated policy
Launched a delegated program to industry partners to support growth, improve decision quality and the control environment through robust policy and testing. Increased usage to 50% of all approvals within 3 months of launch, reducing costs and improving efficiency of credit function. Reduced portfolio arrears levels reduced by 4x, provision rates reduced by 2.5x while maintaining FUM growth of 3x through introducing benchmarks and incentive programs (ANZ)